Monologue Ideas
Everyone is always looking for a fun, fresh new unique monologue to perform for auditions. There are many, many monologue sites on the internet. Some free and some with purchase fees. Below are some of the top sites returned from our Google search but please search for your own. (We have not vetted these sites for content. They are merely links from a search engine.)
In choosing your pieces remember, we are a Christian organization. Do not select racy or inappropriate material. Pick age appropriate pieces which you can connect with emotionally. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Memorize your monologue.
Daily Actor / Monologues for Kids
Stage Milk / Monologues for Kids
Tara Meddaugh Monologues (small purchase fees)
Monologue Blogger (52 Monologues for teens and kids)
Monologues for Kids (Purchase Fee Apply)
PDF DOWNLOAD - Auditions for Kids
PDF DOWNLOAD - Auditions for Teens
CFT offers the two above collections of monologues to get you started. Keep in mind because these are here and a free down load students have used the most popular monologues in this series extensively and we hear several of these monologues a lot. Many times we hear them multiple times in the same audition day. If you want a unique monologue we suggest additional research with many of the monologue webpages around.